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According to a Harris Interactive poll conducted in September, 49% of Americans believe “wearable tech is a fad.” That sentiment seems to be a result of the less-than-stellar reception given to recently released devices such as the Pebble and the Galaxy Gear.

via Apple iWatch Already in Production, Report Says.

In the wearable devices market we need the same step Apple did with the first iPhone: touch moved from something almost unusable and for-geek-only to something natural that anyone could handle. Will Apple again do the magic?


At Techcrunch Disrupt I interviewed about 30 companies over three days. Most of them showed me that their apps are being developed on iOS first and they back up Dave Morin’s reasons why they go iOS first.

via Context is the new battleground between Android and iOS — Scobleizer.

Want the latest news from Techrunch Disrupt? Read Scoble post.


Do you agree?

+ operational advantages such as setting up infrastructure in minutes rather than months, completing massive computational projects with a large number of resources quickly, and scaling architecture up and down to provide the needed IT resources only when you need them, deliver targeted IT solutions fast for individual business units – these deliver a “return on agility.” The return on agility delivers business value by allowing you adapt rapidly, while remaining focused on your core competencies rather than distracted by operating IT infrastructure.

But more importantly it allows the business to change and dramatically reduce time-to-market for products. It drives down the cost of experimentation and allows companies to explore many more product directions with minimal risk. In the current economic climate where capital is scarce, being able to develop new products rapidly without the need for major capital investments is crucial to the success of businesses.

from Total Cost of Ownership and the Return on Agility – All Things Distributed.


What happens when technology cycles become shorter than corporate decision cycles?

via Business Models and the Singularity | Digital Tonto (see also Facebook, Instagram and the Singularity)

My feeling is that that moment happened 5 years ago in big corporations: IT technology is already changing at a rate Coporate IT and Corporations cannot handle.

What’s the solution?


I’ve collected some resources about “UX and friends” and I want to share them with you. I hope they can inspire or be helpful!

Usability Design Considerations for Web Forms

The Death of the Wireframe? Towards An Integrated Approach to UX Design

The New Google+ Is More Beautiful Than Facebook


ThoughtWorks recently published its Technology Radar; a report to help technology leaders understand emerging technologies, identify strategic platforms and tools and prepare their organizations for them

via InfoQ: Thoughtworks Technology Radar July 2011.


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