My name is Piergiorgio Grossi (aka PierG).

After serving in different roles in the IT of Ferrari F1, where we have won 8 F1 Constructor Championships, I’m now Chief Information and Digital Transformation Officer at Ducati.

I’ve been involved in management activities for years: my personal and professional interests are agility & lean, management, leadership, innovation, IT, hypnosis, social media, communication and NLP, TOC .. mainly I try to get out the comfort zone.

I like to coach and teach: I do both every time I can. I speak in events and conferences quite often … and I like it. I’m a blogger too and I’m quite involved in various Social Networks: look for PierG around and you’ll find me!

My technical background is in software development. I’m also a Certified SCRUM master (wowwww! 🙂 )

If you want to contact me, just drop me a line at this link.

I’ve also a blog in Italian (that I update really seldom), give it a look: PierH


p.s. I’m the one on the right, in the picture, in case you are wondering 🙂